the l Dave Ellis
the l Dave Ellis

the l Dave Ellis

  • United Kingdom (UK)
  • Biography... Dave Ellis was born in Balham, South London. At the age of three due to his parents’ separation he moved up to the East Midlands to the City of Nottingham with his mother and elder brother. As the youngest member of the family he was known as the family entertainer, who wasn’t shy to pick up the microphone or Breakdance at any special occasion. Jamaica In 1983 his mother remarried, and later the family emigrated to Jamaica. Whilst in Jamaica Dave and his stepfather experienced an armed robbery, when two masked gunmen broke into their home and demanded money. Aged 14 David was terrified by this ordeal and thanks God daily for his life - the life that he almost lost. United Kingdom 1990 saw Dave return to the United Kingdom. He came back to finish his studies and attend college. During this time he became involved with UK R&B group “Coincide” for whom he wrote lyrics and choreographed dance routines. Dave also played a key role in bringing together another R&B/Rap group by the name of “Dove”. Dove Dove consisted of two Rappers and a female vocalist. At this time Dave found himself living the life he rapped about, stealing cars, partaking of violence and drugs. Whilst on this road to disaster one of Dave’s close friends became a “Born Again Christian”, intrigued by his friends’ dramatic conversion Dave soon followed and made the commitment to follow Christ. 'The Prodigal Son (UK)' Dave felt the calling to his solo ministry as 'The Prodigal Son (UK)' after a brief period in a Christian rap group. A lot of hard work and perseverance and of course the Grace of God opened many doors for Dave. The name Prodigal Son was taken from the 'Lost Son' parable told by Christ in Luke chapter 15 verses 10-24. As the Lost Son in the parable came to his senses, so it was with Prodigal Son (UK), after a brief spell of carnal and lascivious living he returned to his father's house where he shares his new and former experiences to a lost generation. the | Dave Ellis During Dave's recent break from the music scene there have been a myriad of challenging life experiences that have led him to discover more of who he is in Christ. This has given him a new direction and confidence to be himself, namely, 'the | Dave Ellis' God intended him to be. "For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago." (Ephesians 2:10 - New Living Translation) Dave is now a pastor, compassion advocate, preacher and rap artist. He is married with four children and lives in Nottingham, UK. Dave has a passion to communicate God's heart for the least, the last and the lost - he longs to see the cycle of injustice and oppression broken and for people from all walks of life to experience freedom. ​Over the years Dave's heart for people has led him to work in a number of different settings, including working with; young people at risk of exclusion, people struggling in the cycle of drug & alcohol addiction and with prisoners & ex-offenders to help them discover and live out their true identity in Christ. In his current role as a Compassion Ministry Pastor at Trent Vineyard church, Dave oversees compassion outreach ministries including; reaching out to the homeless, mentoring for change, community groups, fostering & adoption, prison ministry and debt advice.
