9181 Tryon Cove, Cordova, Tennessee, United States (US)
Every once in a while an exceptional and incredible talent impacts the gospel music industry and leaves a lasting impression. The anointed musical virtuoso Josh Bracy & Power Anointed are one of those rapidly expanding gospel groups who have done just that! When they sing they become vessels through which the intent of worship and praise is fully recognized. Josh Bracy & Power Anointed brings to their listening audience “worship and praise through song” with a personalized harmonic blend. What a supersized and engaging talent the Lord has given to the industry!
Josh Bracy & Power Anointed is one of the city of Memphis premiere gospel community choirs established in 1995 by Bracy. This prolific group have been seriously singing the praises for over twenty years. Their mission is to win the lost and to uplift the body of Christ! A mission accomplished by utilizing music as the method to proclaim, teach, and celebrate the Word of God. They are living the life and singing the praises!