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I thank God for his mercies that endures forever, he has not treated me as my sins deserve, taken from bible scripture  Psalm 103 verse 1.

Through Christ he helped me to get on the right road of life, to learn from mistakes by wrong decisions I made, and to start over again.

I made many mistakes because, I did not seek the Lord for direction.  This gospel reggae Lovers Rock track gives direction based on my own experiences in my life and how to admit I got wrong and to wait on the Lord for direction, after forgiveness of my sins.

I sang this song to help someone that may have given up and feel their mistakes may never be forgiven.    Please encourage yourself by reading 1 John 1 verses 8-9. 

When we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness AMEN.

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