Katalys Crew Productions
Katalys Crew Productions

Katalys Crew Productions

  • Kingston, Jamaica
  • wpaulbarclay@gmail.com
  • W. Paul Barclay Paul Barclay for over 30 years gleaned the right experience and exposure as administrator, musical director / band leader for renowned talents like Judy Mowatt, Grace Thrillers, Carlene Davis, Papa San, Portmore Vision Choir, The Shroeter Brothers, Sandra Brooks and his own Katalys Crew. Paul’s love for the business of music has lead him to among other things hold a diploma in Entertainment Management. He is a past member of the board at The Record Industry Association of Jamaica, a former member of the steering committee for gospel at the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission(JCDC). He was instrumental in the formation of and is a founding director of the JGMN, (Jamaica Gospel Music Network). He is also a past board member of the Jamaica Reggae Industry Association ( JaRIA) and a former Director of Creative Production and Training Center – CPTC, JamVisionTv and Media Training Institute – MTI.
